Again so much but only a short post.

The immediate:  I’m in the middle of a hot flash, one of a few I’ve had for two days now along with an on-going headache that varies in intensity.  The headache is annoying but not a surprise as the med I just got added on is due to the fact I’ve been having frequent migraines and just plain unpleasant headaches between them… and the med is to help that so as meds tend to be perverse at times when first starting them this continuous headache could be on its own or a side-effect of the new med or a combo of them.  Possibly the cause of the hot flashes, too, as that’s been the only change medically that happened before they started.

My amazing psychdoc that I have told about before is working in tandem with the neurology in finding the right med(s) to help my headaches since the meds for them are some the same and others can also effect each others.  She long ago gave me her phone number in case of emergency or serious concern and so I wrote her about these hot flashes just a few minutes ago asking if they are unusual or to be expected.  She says they aren’t normal, no, but that again the perversity of meds is such that a new one can cause just about anything so if it continues for a few more days to go off it and we’ll work some more with neurology for a new one.

It’s amazing how much she listens and tries to be constructively helpful in our meetings and that she would give her number in case of serious medical need.  I’ve had a lot of doctors of all sorts… psychiatrist, psychologists, general practitioners, gynecologists, dieticians, surgical follow-up specialists, pain docs, and so on.  Had a few great ones, a good number of good ones, and a frustrating number of bad ones.  She rocks even when she frustrates me at times because, as said, it *is* constructively.

So, hot flash.  Ugh.

Unrelated to med timing I’ve been oddly tired the past few days and wonder if I’m fighting something off.  I sometimes do get that nasal/back of throat feeling so…

Am finally taking measures to register my Rumpus Parable  trademark.  I’ve a friend I’ve been semi-sorta-dating who is a trademark lawyer and been answering my million questions and giving advice on it so that it’s submitted right.  Next paycheck I plan to put the paperwork in.

Been, within our friendship, pursuing a possibility of more with my fried Xilet.  Nothing is for sure, as said we are friends and may stay that, but we’ve both expressed an interest in testing the waters and seeing if anything may work out.  So, when able to line up schedules I’m going to take a weekend down there to visit to get us some more in-person time.  We only had a little at last CampCrucible and I’d like us to hang out in real life sometime before the next Camp… it’s all been text all this time lol.

Dental appointments are going well.  I’m very pleased with the level and thoroughness of care I am getting, plus my dentist is cute enough in face and personality that I may ask him out after we get to a point where I’m not going in to see him professionally every 2 weeks.  Hate to do it and have no time for awkwardness to fade if it goes as a no.  Had my first ever cavity at the age of 36 and had it drilled and filled…  I’ve been scared of that my whole life and it was, except some gross sounding and feeling scraping at times, no big deal at all.  It’s a back molar and he did a great job with the white/tooth-colored fill.  We’ve a series of other things to do, hence seeing him every two weeks or so right now.  Both functional stuff and cosmetic as he asked how much if any my vitamin discolorations are causing me distress and I explained to him that I am working back into modeling and also do mouth fetish porn.  He hadn’t been familiar with the last but agreed that it was understandable then that I’d be concerned by some of the iron stains that most people wouldn’t care about or have seen.

My kombucha is coming along awesomely.  I’ve now two 2 gallon jars going and the first 1 gallon still.  Just bottled 8 bottles total yesterday between all three containers.  One bottle I put a tiny bit of grape juice into to do my first second ferment flavoring experiment.  The 1 gallon tastes like it may already be close to another bottling tomorrow or the next day as I’m doing the continuous brewing method in all three jars and the 1 gallon has had a while to develop into the cycle and has a nice thick SCOBY going.

I spent NYE with Kate, Paul, and Paul’s roommate Dan at Kate’s.  We played board games, watched movies, and got drunk.

Went out to one of those QuietEvents that was a QuietClubbing subway party.  Very fun and great for someone like me that enjoys getting out to do things with people but has a hard time with direct socialization.  It was a social but not social outing and Very Fun.

Oooo, my hot flash has faded away.  Thank goodness.

This weekend I go to Two’s house for the Delta Sigma House annual January Business Meeting where we go over any serious business for full members to deal with like voting on bids.  I’m pretty sure we all already know what the outcome will be on those.  I’m making it as a single day out… get up early, bus out; stay for meeting and socializing; bus out, get home late.  Gonna be tiring.

Sales on my C4S pee store have been great this month.  I’ve instated a Daily Pee concept into my clip sales.  I try to put up a combo of that days trips to pee every evening.  I don’t get every single day, but almost.  Gives regular new clips being put into the system and also let’s customers have a bit of a taste of my daily home life, candid views of me living.

Kinkbomb totally revamped their site and I LOVE it.  The entire store management system is easier, makes more sense to use.  And the store front is much more tidy and sexy in my opinion…. but I love organization and it looks more organized and clean cut in design.  Best of all, when you upload a clip and start to make an ad you don’t need to upload multiple files of different formats you want to sell and end up with duplicate ads on your page for each.  Now you upload, fill out the ad info, and checkmark the boxes of the different formats you want to sell at and what cost and it converts them itself to the right things… it makes a single ad on your page that when clicked gives the buyer the list of formats to choose from.  Very Nice Change.

I’m talking to one of the photographers I really like about doing another shoot soon, so I need to get that worked out.  Also need to reconnect with body-casting guy and the sketch artist is asking for me again.   Nice, but a bit overwhelming for me.

In February on the 8th and 9th I will be attending RKS’s dance party night and then interrogation demo the next day as the demo subject and it being by Delta Family member Grant and his property Jules doing it and we have a good number of Delta pledges and soon to be pledges and just plain friends connected up there that it’ll be nice.  So if you’re planning to attend, too, drop me a note or feel free to say hello there.

Some other work-related stuff going on but I’ll put that out later.


Again, find me on Fetlife as RumpusParable if you share groups with me (but do not contact me there to try to date or such with me) or as RumpusFetish if you are a fan of my work or want to support that side of my life.

I have another sweet sub I need to get in contact with as we’ve not spent time in a while.  I think I’ll text him right now.

And that closes things for now.

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